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You can see me in Curiosity: Alien Invasion on Discovery Channel starting at 22 seconds and also in When Aliens Attack (Discovery UK). Both shows were produced from the same footage.

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Some images from the set of "When Aliens Attack."

TV isn't all glamorous. For the "zoom," I had to stare into a camera right against my eye, with an overcast glare behind it, while leaning back sharply, with two people holding reflectors and shades around me. We spent 30 minutes on this take.

With my rifle, doing a firearm safety PSA for several shooting magazines. Photo by

In one of Mark Racop's Batmobile reproductions (

Video capture of me on the set of Starship II, Rendezvous at Ramses, when I was 4.

With John Levene, who played Sergeant Benton in Doctor Who

Also at Marcon, with a friendly Stormtrooper

With model Nutopia at Marcon in 2005